Automatically applies at checkout.


Here are a few of the frequently asked questions. To provide you with the best customer experience, your feedback is greatly encouraged. If you have any questions please send us an email at


Will I receive a confirmation number when I place my order?

Yes, all customers will receive an order number after placing their orders. If you do not get one, please check your spam inbox. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you don't receive one within 24 hours.

Which currency will I be charged in?

Our default currency is USD. Unless you select a different currency, you will be charged in USD

How can I pay?

We currently accept AMEX, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and PayPal.

How can I edit my order?

Please contact us immediately if you need to change or cancel your order. Once our shipping team has processed your order, we cannot make any changes to your order.

Where can I place an order from?

You can place an order from any country. We ship worldwide.


Is there any delivery guarantees?

Yes. If 30 days have passed and you have not received updates from the provided tracking, please email us at with your order number. We will send out a replacement or a full refund of your purchase.

How long will it take to receive a tracking number?

Tracking numbers are given within 24-48 hours of the order being placed,

How long will it take to receive my order?

Custom orders can take 5-10 Business Days to ship out. Then, it takes 10-20 Business Days for all orders to be delivered in the United States. International Countries generally take 10-35 Business Days, depending on your location. Shipping times vary from product to product based on demand and shipping location.

Returns and Refunds

How do I return a product?

Items must be returned within 7 days after receiving your order. Items must be returned in the same condition in which they were received, be unworn/unused, have any tags still attached, and include all the original packaging.

How long will it take to receive my refund?

Refunds are processed within 7 days from when we receive the item(s).

Still looking for answers?

If the answers you're looking for aren't in our FAQ, please send us an email by completing the form below.